Tab Icon Badges not updating unless view is reloaded
@jdutchak wrote: I am implementing badges on a tab bar icon. When I poll my server to get some data I will set the badge number based on the data response. I am able to set the badge the first time....
View ArticleIntegrating Ionic User Service with back-end authentication
@andrucz wrote: I've read Ionic User Service docs and now I want to use it in my new Ionic 2 application, that needs to consume an API secured by JWT token. In the past, I used Satellizer to handle...
View ArticleError $cordovaGeolocation
@maurojunior wrote: I'm trying to get my location with the command: var options = { frequency: 15 * 60 * 1000, timeout: 1 * 60 * 1000, enableHighAccuracy: false }; function onError(error) {...
View ArticleWindows 10 Scrolling too slow
@Buddika wrote: Same app build in ios and android and work with out any delay(slow)\but when i built same app from windows 8.1 laptop to windows 10 phone its getting too show any suggestion? Posts: 1...
View ArticleHow to get startup / launch arguments (Windows 10)? Ionic 1.2.4
@kettunj wrote: How or where can I get the launch arguments used to start the app? I know they should be available and I would imagine there's some convenient way to catch them with Ionic out of the...
View ArticleDownload, Store and Open Huge document (Word, PPT, Excel, PDF)
@thdat wrote: I have an app that so simple, just have login and authenticate function, after that user can retrieve all document through a web service api, store it automatically and can receive...
View ArticleServing appBundle.js from remote web server
@dennis3001 wrote: I was thinking to host the main app file + views.js on a webserver in order to provide quicker releases without going through app stores publishing cycles. Do you guys think it's a...
View ArticleIonic login php + token
@leugim_ohlavrac wrote: Hi guys, I'm following this tutorial written by Mr Simon about create a login.But I'm facing a problem when I want it to check the credentials stored in a database with php. I...
View ArticleAction sheet is duplicate
@Dabra87 wrote: Hi everyone. I have an issue when i create an Action Sheet. I have my controller and ng-controller and ng click ok. But when i try this my action sheet is duplicate. I have 2 action...
View ArticleIonic ios access to it's plugins
@vahidvdn wrote: Hi there. I have made an app for ios and installed in my iphone. It has Camera plugin in it. It works perfect in android. Also in iphone, as I run ionic view app (downloaded from...
View ArticleIon-nav-view in two separate views
@NicolasIglesias wrote: Hello , I need help with my application. I'm trying to load a view within < ion - nav -view > but the same is not in the "index.html ". Look at this example: My...
View ArticleShow a 360 photo?
@totoni wrote: Hi! I want to show a 360 photo in my app (android and ios).Does anyone know of a plugin to do so? Thanks Posts: 1 Participants: 1 Read full topic
View ArticleIonic package IOS submission to App Store
@asafco4 wrote: Hi, I'm working on windows machine, built the IPA file using ionic package service:"ionic package build ios --release -–profile winnerzprod" I'm in the process to submit my app to the...
View ArticleAuth interceptor isn't firing
@Tribe wrote: I'm using as my auth interceptor but for some reason it's not firing. Its job is to fire the "event:auth-loginRequired" event whenever the...
View ArticleIonic google maps pinch zoom, moving and markers showing issue
@Glisovic wrote: Hi, I made simple app to show distance and route on map between my current location and one default location. I managed to get maps on the screen (on Galaxy S4, but I can't get on...
View ArticleLooking for advice on how to build this time picker
@stew_hering_snapp wrote: Hello, all!Currently, we are working on building a custom time picker for an application as our lead designer is not happy with our current custom styling of this time picker...
View ArticlePage with tabs after main menu
@stevensotram wrote: Hello Ionic community.I began recently to use Ionic (version 1 for the moment) and I'm sure I didn't understood well tabs logic and I need your help. I'm building an app with a...
View ArticleBest way to "post" or "send" a location
@edavila wrote: Hi. This question sounds a little weird, maybe, but let me explain. I have a contact form for request refueling of product; it is for commercial premises, such as restaurants. In this...
View ArticleIon-content {{displayThis}} does not honor new line character
@r123456789 wrote: Using \n or in the displayThis $scope variable does not result in a line break in the displayed text. Instead the \n or characters are displayed. e.g. whats displayed is: line 1...
View ArticleInput Field with bottom-border only
@anicacute09 wrote: Hi guys, as the title says How can I achieve an input field with line only at the bottom.. is there a ionic class for that or do I need to use my own css for that matter. I want...
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