@Keertesh wrote:
I'm getting following response
** [**
** {**
** "booking_request_id": 1191,**
** "request_id_prefix": "RQ20160530",**
** "request_id_postfix": 3,**
** "booking_request_ufn": "meeting",**
** "company_id": 2,**
** "initiator_employee_id": 13,**
** "requested_by": 13,**
** "travel_objective_id": 1,**
** "travel_objective_other": "",**
** "booking_request_created_datetime": "2016-05-30 06:02:21",**
** "booking_request_initiators_comments": "spicejet",**
** "booking_request_state": "NEW",**
** "booking_request_groups": [**
** {**
** "booking_request_group_id": 1193,**
** "booking_request_id": 1191,**
** "booking_request_group_number": 1,**
** "booking_request_group_name": "",**
** "booking_request_src_city": 4,**
** "booking_request_dst_city": 2,**
** "booking_request_travel_type": "T",**
** "booking_request_travel_datetime": "2016-05-30 15:31:00",**
** "car_type": 4,**
** "total_number_of_hotel_rooms": 1,**
** "total_number_of_cabs": 1,**
** "booking_requests_group_travelers": [**
** {**
** "booking_request_group_travelers_id": 1194,**
** "booking_request_group_id": 1193,**
** "booking_request_travelers_id": 1192,**
** "booking_request_made_on": "2016-05-30 06:02:21",**
** "booking_request_type": "B",**
** "booking_request_refers_to_trip": null,**
** "pickup_point_address1": "Some building,",**
** "pickup_point_address2": "Some landmark,",**
** "pickup_point_address3": "Some street",**
** "pickup_point_city": 4,**
** "pickup_point_zipcode": "560001",**
** "pickup_point_address_type": "H",**
** "hotel_stay_at_destination": "Y",**
** "preferred_room_type": 11,**
** "hotel_book_with_breakfast": null,**
** "grade_override_authorize": "N",**
** "grade_override_authorized_by": null,**
** "grade_override_employee_id": null,**
** "travel_seat_type_id": 4,**
** "car_seat_type_id": null,**
** "booking_request_food_type": "N",**
** "hotel_stay_from_date": "2016-05-30 15:31:00",**
** "dailycab_date": null,**
** "pickup_hours_before_departure": 2,**
** "hotel_stay_to_date": "2016-05-31 15:31:00",**
** "pickup_point_city_object": null,**
** "bookingRequestGroup": null,**
** "bookingRequestTraveler": null,**
** "traveler_temp_code": null**
** }**
** ],**
** "src_city": {**
** "city_id": 4,**
** "city_name": "Bengaluru",**
** "city_airline_code": "BLR",**
** "state_id": 2,**
** "state_name": null,**
** "country_id": null,**
** "country_name": null**
** },**
** "dst_city": {**
** "city_id": 2,**
** "city_name": "Pune",**
** "city_airline_code": "PUN",**
** "state_id": 1,**
** "state_name": null,**
** "country_id": null,**
** "country_name": null**
** },**
** "booking_requests_group_cab": [**
** {**
** "booking_requests_group_cab_id": 1195,**
** "booking_request_group_id": 1193,**
** "booking_request_travelers_id": 1192,**
** "cab_number": 1**
** }**
** ],**
** "booking_requests_group_rooms": [**
** {**
** "booking_requests_group_rooms_id": 1196,**
** "booking_request_group_id": 1193,**
** "booking_request_travelers_id": 1192,**
** "room_number": 1**
** }**
** ]**
** }**
** ],**
** "booking_request_travelers_id": 1192,**
** "booking_request_group_id": 1193,**
** "booking_request_group_name": ""**
** },**
** {},{},{}**
** ]**
** I want src_city and dst_city in ion-list along with the date which will take the user to respective page**
Posts: 2
Participants: 1