@nabi_singer wrote:
Is there a way to programmatically enable 'zooming' attribute for ion-scroll tag? Looks like once you set it to true or false on app startup, you can not change it any more. Here is my code:<ion-scroll direction="xy" scrollbar-x="false" scrollbar-y="false" overflow-scroll="false" zooming="{{enZoom}}" min-zoom="{{zoomMin}}" style="width: 100%; height: 100%" delegate-handle="scrollHandle{{$index}}" id="imageScoller"> <img cache-src="..."/> </ion-scroll>
And I have these two variables in controller:
$scope.enZoom=false; $scope.zommMin=1;
And these are event handlers for enabling/disabling the zoom capability.
$scope.enableZoom=function(slide){ $scope.enZoom=true; }; $scope.disableZoom=function(slide){ $scope.enZoom=false; };
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