@codiqa100078139 wrote:
Hi there
I need to add an option of importing phone contacts to the app I am building.
So I work with the cordova-plugin-contacts to get all the contacts in the phone.
I tried to use the alert component with the check options but with a list of 1000+ check options it gets stuck/freezeSo i am trying to work with Modal component.
I send the contact list result to a modal page where the user can check the contacts he wants to import.
And click ‘Import’ button.What appends is that all the list is stuck/freeze.
I have more then 3000 contacts…
Y dose it get stuck???
How can maybe lazy load the 3000+ contact list list?
I am stuck with this for daysHere is my code:
Import button:
openContactListClient(){ if(this.platform.is('cordova')){ this.loadingElem = this.loadingCtrl.create({ spinner: 'ios', content: 'Getting contact list please wait...' }); this.loadingElem.present(); var opts = { fields: ['displayName', 'name' , 'emails', 'addresses'], multiple: true, hasPhoneNumber:true }; this.contacts.find(['displayName', 'name' , 'emails', 'addresses'],opts).then((contacts) => { contacts.filter((item) => { var id = item.id; if(item.addresses!=null){ var address = item.addresses[0].formatted; } if(typeof item.name.givenName!=='undefined'){ var first_name = item.name.givenName; } if(typeof item.name.familyName!=='undefined'){ var last_name = item.name.familyName; } if(item.emails!=null){ var email = item.emails[0].value; } if(item.phoneNumbers!=null){ var phone = item.phoneNumbers[0].value; } let clientData = { id:id, address: address, first_name: first_name, last_name: last_name, email: email, phone: phone }; this.phoneContactList.push(clientData); }) this.loadingElem.dismiss(); let modal = this.modalCtrl.create('ContactListPage',{ business_id: this.business_id, contact_list: this.phoneContactList }); modal.present(); }, (error) => { console.log(error); }) }else{ //error... } }
Here is the ContactListPage modal page .ts:
export class ContactListPage { business_id: number; contact_list = [] constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams, public viewCtrl: ViewController) { this.business_id = this.navParams.get('business_id'); this.contact_list = this.navParams.get('contact_list'); } ionViewDidLoad() { } dismiss(){ this.viewCtrl.dismiss(); } }
Here is the ContactListPage .html
<ion-list> <ion-item *ngFor="let contact of contact_list"> <ion-avatar item-start> <!-- some avatar --> </ion-avatar> <h2>{{contact.last_name}} {{contact.first_name}}</h2> <div *ngIf="contact.phone!=''">{{contact.phone}}</div> <div *ngIf="contact.email!=''">{{contact.email}}</div> <div *ngIf="contact.address!=''">{{contact.address}}</div> </ion-item> </ion-list>
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