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Auto fill the above input details


@aseelali23 wrote:

I have certain input fields like address zip code etc… And below I have same fields but as heading communication address and above that i have a check box as same as above. So when I tick that checkbox i need to autofill the above content beow here. I need also the combobox items too. Pls help.
here is my code:


        <ion-title>INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION</ion-title>
    <form [formGroup]="formind">

            <ion-label>Select Center <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
            <ion-select interface="popover">
                <ion-option value="nes">NES</ion-option>
                <ion-option value="n64">Nintendo64</ion-option>
                <ion-option value="ps">PlayStation</ion-option>
                <ion-option value="genesis">Sega Genesis</ion-option>
                <ion-option value="saturn">Sega Saturn</ion-option>
                <ion-option value="snes">SNES</ion-option>
            <ion-label>DOB <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
            <ion-datetime displayFormat="MMM DD YYYY"></ion-datetime>

        <ion-list radio-group name="gender" id="gender">
                        <ion-radio value="male"></ion-radio>
                        <ion-radio value="female"></ion-radio>

        <ion-label class="add">Permanent Address : <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>

            <ion-label stacked>Address 1</ion-label>
            <ion-input formControlName="add1" type="text"></ion-input>
            <ion-label stacked>Address 2</ion-label>
            <ion-input formControlName="add2" type="text"></ion-input>
                    <ion-label floating>Zipcode</ion-label>
                    <ion-input formControlName="zip" type="text"></ion-input>
                    <ion-label floating>District</ion-label>
                    <ion-select interface="popover">
                        <ion-option value="nes">Trivandrum</ion-option>
                        <ion-option value="n64">Ernakulam</ion-option>
                        <ion-option value="ps">Thrissur</ion-option>
                    <ion-label floating>State</ion-label>
                    <ion-select interface="popover">
                        <ion-option value="nes">Kerala</ion-option>
                        <ion-option value="n64">Tamil Nadu</ion-option>
                        <ion-option value="ps">Karnataka</ion-option>
                    <ion-label floating>Country</ion-label>
                    <ion-select interface="popover">
                        <ion-option value="nes">India</ion-option>
                        <ion-option value="n64">China</ion-option>
                        <ion-option value="ps">USA</ion-option>
            <ion-label class="add">Address Proof: <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
            <ion-icon name="document" item-end></ion-icon>

        <ion-label class="add">Communication Address : <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
            <ion-label>Same as permanent address</ion-label>
            <ion-checkbox color="dark" checked="false"></ion-checkbox>
            <ion-label stacked>Address 1</ion-label>
            <ion-input formControlName="addcomm1" type="text"></ion-input>
            <ion-label stacked>Address 2</ion-label>
            <ion-input formControlName="addcomm2" type="text"></ion-input>
                    <ion-label floating>Zipcode</ion-label>
                    <ion-input formControlName="zip2" type="text"></ion-input>
                    <ion-label floating>District</ion-label>
                    <ion-select interface="popover">
                        <ion-option value="nes">Trivandrum</ion-option>
                        <ion-option value="n64">Ernakulam</ion-option>
                        <ion-option value="ps">Thrissur</ion-option>
                    <ion-label floating>State</ion-label>
                    <ion-select interface="popover">
                        <ion-option value="nes">Kerala</ion-option>
                        <ion-option value="n64">Tamil Nadu</ion-option>
                        <ion-option value="ps">Karnataka</ion-option>
                    <ion-label floating>Country</ion-label>
                    <ion-select interface="popover">
                        <ion-option value="nes">India</ion-option>
                        <ion-option value="n64">China</ion-option>
                        <ion-option value="ps">USA</ion-option>
            <ion-label class="add">Address Proof: <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
            <ion-icon name="document" item-end></ion-icon>
            <ion-label floating>Mobile <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
            <ion-input formControlName="mob" type="text"></ion-input>
                <button class="otp" color="light" block>Sent OTP</button>
                    <ion-label fixed>OTP <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
                    <ion-input formControlName="otp" type="text"></ion-input>

<ion-footer no-shadow class="foot">
    <ion-toolbar position="bottom">
                <button ion-button full color="primary" block>Save</button>
                <button (click)="next()" ion-button full color="primary" block>Next</button>

ts file:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { NavController, AlertController, LoadingController, Loading, IonicPage } from 'ionic-angular';
import { ObsAuthService } from '../../services/obs_auth.services';
import { ConnectrgPage } from '../connectrg/connectrg';
import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
import { IndkycPage } from '../indkyc/indkyc';
import { ToastController } from 'ionic-angular';
import { ConnecthomePage } from '../connecthome/connecthome';
// import { FileChooser } from '@ionic-native/file-chooser';

    selector: 'page-individualreg',
    templateUrl: 'individualreg.html',
    providers: [ObsAuthService]

export class IndividualregPage {
    formind: FormGroup;

    constructor(private nav: NavController, private auth: ObsAuthService,
        private alertCtrl: AlertController, private loadingCtrl: LoadingController,
        private builder: FormBuilder,public toastCtrl:ToastController) { 
            this.formind = builder.group({    
                add1: ['',Validators.compose([Validators.required])],
                add2: ['', Validators.compose([Validators.required])],
                addcomm1: ['',Validators.compose([Validators.required])],
                addcomm2: ['', Validators.compose([Validators.required])],
// uploadresume(){
//         this.fileChooser.open()
//         .then(uri => console.log(uri))
//         .catch(e => console.log(e));
// }
    selectChange(e) {
    goback() {

        this.nav.pop();  // remember to put this to add the back button behavior
    // public rg(){
    //     this.nav.push(ConnectrgPage);
    // }

    public event = {
        month: ' - - '
    public next() {

            const toast = this.toastCtrl.create({
                message: 'Fill the inputs in valida format',
                duration: 2000

            const toast = this.toastCtrl.create({
                message: 'Registered',
                duration: 1000


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How to fetch details from previous page to payment page?


@neenu123 wrote:

I have 3 pages each consisting of a button to redirect to a payment page. I have commonly created a payment page for each page. In that payement page there is a label which shows the selected category that means the page that is redirected to payment page. that label should show the category which i have redirected. How can i do that?
here is my code
I am only posting one page here instead of three and the payment page too.
category page- category name: Third Party

        <ion-title>KYC Details</ion-title>
    <ion-label class="h">Company Details : </ion-label>
        <ion-label class="d">License : <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
        <ion-icon name="document" item-end></ion-icon>
        <ion-label class="d">Other Ministry Registrations : <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
        <ion-icon name="document" item-end></ion-icon>
        <!-- <ion-select interface="popover">
            <ion-option value="nes">MSME</ion-option>
            <ion-option value="n64">Nintendo64</ion-option>
            <ion-option value="ps">PlayStation</ion-option>
        </ion-select> -->
        <ion-label inline>PAN Number : <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
        <ion-input type="text"></ion-input>
        <ion-label inline>Aadhar Number : <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
        <ion-input type="text"></ion-input>
    <ion-label class="h">Owner Details : </ion-label>
        <ion-label inline>Other Documents : <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
        <ion-select interface="popover">
            <ion-option value="nes">Driving License</ion-option>
            <ion-option value="n64">Voter's Id</ion-option>
        <ion-label class="add">Documents : <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
        <ion-icon name="document" item-end></ion-icon>
        <ion-label class="add">PAN : <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
        <ion-icon name="document" item-end></ion-icon>
        <ion-label class="add">Aadhar : <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
        <ion-icon name="document" item-end></ion-icon>
    <ion-label class="doc">
        <span class="required">documents must be uploaded in pdf format
            <p>size must be 5 mb</p>
<ion-footer no-shadow class="foot">
    <ion-toolbar position="bottom">
                <button ion-button full color="primary" block>Save</button>
                <button (click)="pay()" ion-button full color="primary" block>Proceed to payment</button>

third party ts file

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { NavController, AlertController, LoadingController, Loading, IonicPage } from 'ionic-angular';
import { ObsAuthService } from '../../services/obs_auth.services';
import { ConnectpayPage } from '../connectpay/connectpay';

    selector: 'page-thirdkyc',
    templateUrl: 'thirdkyc.html',
    providers: [ObsAuthService]
export class ThirdkycPage {

    constructor(private nav: NavController, private auth: ObsAuthService,
        private alertCtrl: AlertController, private loadingCtrl: LoadingController) { }

        selectChange(e) {
        public pay()

Payment page:

        <ion-title>PAYMENT OPTIONS</ion-title>
        <!-- <ion-item> -->
            <ion-label class="cat">Selected Category: </ion-label>
            <ion-label class="cat">Amount to be paid: </ion-label>
        <!-- </ion-item> -->
    <ion-label class="p">Payment method : </ion-label>
    <ion-label class="cat">Payment done through : <ion-img class="img" src="../../assets/images/paytm-512.png"></ion-img>
    <div padding text-center>
    <a button class="btn" href="https://developer.paytm.com/docs/" ion-button color="primary" block> Proceed to paytm</a>

ts file

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { NavController, AlertController, LoadingController, Loading, IonicPage } from 'ionic-angular';
import { ObsAuthService } from '../../services/obs_auth.services';

    selector: 'page-connectpay',
    templateUrl: 'connectpay.html',
    providers: [ObsAuthService]
export class ConnectpayPage {

    constructor(private nav: NavController, private auth: ObsAuthService,
        private alertCtrl: AlertController, private loadingCtrl: LoadingController) { }

    selectChange(e) {
    // goback() {
    //     this.nav.pop();  

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Migration scss IONIC4


@ravo93 wrote:

I’migrating my project from ionic 3 to ionic 4 and all my scss is not read.

Version ionic v3

Version ionic v4


:host {
		background-image: url('../../assets/img/background-login.jpg');
		background-size: cover;
		font-size: 11pt;
		background-color: transparent!important;
		margin-left: 3px
    video {
        position: fixed;
        top: 50%;
        left: 50%;
        min-width: 100%;
        min-height: 100%;
        width: auto;
        height: auto;
        z-index: -100;
        transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);
	.scroll-content {
		// align-content: center;
		display: flex;
		 flex-direction: column;
		 justify-content: center;
		text-align: center;
		overflow-y: hidden;
		position: fixed;

	ion-card.card {
		box-shadow: none;
		border-radius: 5px;

	a, p,
	ion-card-header.card-header {
		color: #E36524!important;

	.list > .item-block:first-child {
		border: medium none;
	.item-md {
		 padding-left: 0; 
		background-color: transparent!important;
		padding-top: 10px;

		font-size: 9.5pt;

	.item {
		margin-bottom: 10px;
		background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
		border: medium none;

		.text-input {
			color: #E36524;

		input::-moz-placeholder  {

		input:-moz-placeholder {

		*::-webkit-input-placeholder  {

		*:-ms-input-placeholder  {
			color: #E36524!important;

		*:-moz-placeholder  {
			color: #E36524!important;

	.icon {
		padding-right: 10px;



  Generated template for the LoginPage page.

  See http://ionicframework.com/docs/components/#navigation for more info on
  Ionic pages and navigation.


</ion-header> -->

<ion-content padding style="float:right;background-image: url('')">

  <ion-card style="width: 40%; max-width: 430px; min-width:350px; min-height:270px; align-self: center; ">
      <ion-img class="logo" width="80" height="80" src="">
          <ion-input [(ngModel)]="Shopkeeper" type="text" placeholder="Esercente"></ion-input>
          <ion-input [(ngModel)]="Username" type="text" placeholder="Username"></ion-input>
          <ion-input [(ngModel)]="Password" type="password" placeholder="Password"></ion-input>
                <ion-item class="remember">
                  <ion-checkbox color="default" [(ngModel)]="Remember" style="align-self:auto; "></ion-checkbox>


              <button ion-button block outline color="default" (click)="login()">Log in</button>
      <h6 class="footer"> <br> <br>
        <br> </h6>


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Export failed - for ios device, requires a provisioning profile


@priyankaghosh123 wrote:

error: exportArchive: “*.app” requires a provisioning profile with the Push Notifications feature.

Error Domain=IDEProvisioningErrorDomain Code=9 “”.app" requires a provisioning profile with the Push Notifications feature." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=".app" requires a provisioning profile with the Push Notifications feature., NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Add a profile to the “provisioningProfiles” dictionary in your Export Options property list.}


CordovaError: Promise rejected with non-error: ‘Error code 70 for command: xcodebuild with args: -exportArchive,-archivePath,.xcarchive,-exportOptionsPlist,exportOptions.plist,-exportPath,device’
at cli.catch.err (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/cordova/bin/cordova:30:15)
at process.internalTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:77:7)

This error is showing when running in vscode. If I manually add provisioningProfiles dictionary, when I build the app this dictionary automatically removed.

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Push color instead of icon when app is opened


@Nicolus wrote:

Hello @Ionic community !

I’m facing a problems with notification icons with firebase : when the app is in background, notifications are displayed with custom icon as desired ; but when the app is opened, a color is displayed instead of the icon, as you can see below (the first notification was send when app was closed) :

My config.xml file :

    <platform name="android">
        <resource-file src="resources/android/notification/drawable-hdpi/ic_stat_app.png" target="app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/notification_icon.png" />
        <resource-file src="resources/android/notification/drawable-mdpi/ic_stat_app.png" target="app/src/main/res/drawable-mdpi/notification_icon.png" />
        <resource-file src="resources/android/notification/drawable-xhdpi/ic_stat_app.png" target="app/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi/notification_icon.png" />
        <resource-file src="resources/android/notification/drawable-xxhdpi/ic_stat_app.png" target="app/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi/notification_icon.png" />
        <resource-file src="resources/android/notification/drawable-xxxhdpi/ic_stat_app.png" target="app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/notification_icon.png" />
        <meta-data android:name="com.google.firebase.messaging.default_notification_icon" android:resource="@drawable/notification_icon" />

Icons were generated with : https://romannurik.github.io/AndroidAssetStudio/icons-notification.html

The icon name is mentioned in notification data as below :

  var message = {
    notification: {
      body: event.messageBody,
      title: event.messageTitle
    android: {
      notification: {
        body: event.messageBody,
        title: event.messageTitle,
        sound: 'default',
        icon: 'notification_icon',
        color: event.notificationColor
    token: registrationToken

I thought about custom CSS, Android manifest configuration… but did’nt find anything. Does someone have an idea ?

Thanks ! :wink:

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Need to access current location of the company


@aseelali23 wrote:

I have a page that contains company details. In which there is a field which fetches current location.
When clicking the icon i need to access the location and set it in the input box.
I had tried geo location but some error pulled up.
here is my page design and ts file.
html: there is a field called location with an icon.

        <ion-title>DEDICATED ENTITY REGISTRATION</ion-title>
    <!-- <ion-row no padding>
            <ion-col> -->
    <ion-item class="sel">
        <ion-label>Select Center <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
        <ion-select interface="popover">
            <ion-option value="nes">NES</ion-option>
            <ion-option value="n64">Nintendo64</ion-option>
            <ion-option value="ps">PlayStation</ion-option>
    <!-- </ion-col>
        <ion-col> -->
    <ion-item class="sel">
        <ion-label>Location <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
        <ion-input type="text"></ion-input>
        <ion-icon class="cursor" name="pin" item-end (click)="loc()"></ion-icon>
    <!-- </ion-col>
          </ion-row> -->

          <form [formGroup]="formded">

        <ion-label stacked>Name <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
        <ion-input formControlName="name" type="text"></ion-input>
        <ion-label stacked>Address 1 <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
        <ion-input formControlName="add1" type="text"></ion-input>
        <ion-label stacked>Address 2 <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
        <ion-input formControlName="add2" type="text"></ion-input>
                <ion-label floating>Zipcode <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
                <ion-input formControlName="zip" type="text"></ion-input>
                <ion-label floating>District <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
                <ion-select interface="popover">
                    <ion-option value="nes">Trivandrum</ion-option>
                    <ion-option value="n64">Ernakulam</ion-option>
                    <ion-option value="ps">Thrissur</ion-option>
                <ion-label floating>State <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
                <ion-select interface="popover">
                    <ion-option value="nes">Kerala</ion-option>
                    <ion-option value="n64">Tamil Nadu</ion-option>
                    <ion-option value="ps">Karnataka</ion-option>
                <ion-label floating>Country <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
                <ion-select interface="popover">
                    <ion-option value="nes">India</ion-option>
                    <ion-option value="n64">China</ion-option>
                    <ion-option value="ps">USA</ion-option>
        <ion-label class="add">Address Proof: <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
        <ion-icon name="document" item-end></ion-icon>
    <ion-label class="h">Applicant Details :</ion-label>
        <ion-label stacked>Name <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
        <ion-input formControlName="appName" type="text"></ion-input>
        <ion-label stacked>Address 1 <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
        <ion-input formControlName="appAdd1" type="text"></ion-input>
        <ion-label stacked>Address 2 <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
        <ion-input formControlName="appAdd2"type="text"></ion-input>
                <ion-label floating>Zipcode <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
                <ion-input formControlName="appZip"type="text"></ion-input>
                <ion-label floating>District <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
                <ion-select interface="popover">
                    <ion-option value="nes">Trivandrum</ion-option>
                    <ion-option value="n64">Ernakulam</ion-option>
                    <ion-option value="ps">Thrissur</ion-option>
                <ion-label floating>State <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
                <ion-select interface="popover">
                    <ion-option value="nes">Kerala</ion-option>
                    <ion-option value="n64">Tamil Nadu</ion-option>
                    <ion-option value="ps">Karnataka</ion-option>
                <ion-label floating>Country <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
                <ion-select interface="popover">
                    <ion-option value="nes">India</ion-option>
                    <ion-option value="n64">China</ion-option>
                    <ion-option value="ps">USA</ion-option>
        <ion-label class="add">Address Proof: <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
        <ion-icon name="document" item-end></ion-icon>
        <ion-label floating>Mobile <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
        <ion-input formControlName="mob" type="text"></ion-input>
            <button color="light" block>Sent OTP</button>
                <ion-label fixed>OTP <span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
                <ion-input formControlName="otp" type="text"></ion-input>
    <!-- <ion-item> -->
            <ion-label class="a">Felicitation Details :<span class="required">*</span></ion-label>
            <ion-label stacked class="txt">includes capacity, connectivity and accessibility details</ion-label>
    <ion-textarea name="comment" placeholder="Put any comment..."></ion-textarea>
    <!-- </ion-item> -->
<ion-footer no-shadow class="foot">
    <ion-toolbar position="bottom">
                <button ion-button full color="primary" block>Save</button>
                <button (click)="next()" ion-button full color="primary" block>Next</button>

ts file:

import { Component } from ‘@angular/core’;
import { NavController, AlertController, LoadingController, Loading, IonicPage } from ‘ionic-angular’;
import { ObsAuthService } from ‘…/…/services/obs_auth.services’;
import { DedkycPage } from ‘…/dedkyc/dedkyc’;
import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from ‘@angular/forms’;
import { ToastController } from ‘ionic-angular’;

selector: ‘page-dedreg’,
templateUrl: ‘dedreg.html’,
providers: [ObsAuthService]
export class DedregPage {

formded: FormGroup;

constructor(private nav: NavController, private auth: ObsAuthService,
    private alertCtrl: AlertController, private loadingCtrl: LoadingController,
    public formBuilder: FormBuilder, public toastCtrl: ToastController) {

    this.formded = formBuilder.group({
        name: ['', Validators.compose([Validators.pattern('[a-zA-Z ]*'), Validators.required])],
        add1: ['', Validators.compose([Validators.required])],
        add2: ['', Validators.compose([Validators.required])],
        zip: ['', Validators.compose([Validators.pattern('^[+0-9]{6}$'), Validators.required])],
        appName: ['', Validators.compose([Validators.pattern('[a-zA-Z ]*'), Validators.required])],
        appAdd1: ['', Validators.compose([Validators.required])],
        appAdd2: ['', Validators.compose([Validators.required])],
        appZip: ['', Validators.compose([Validators.pattern('^[+0-9]{6}$'), Validators.required])],
        mob: ['', Validators.compose([Validators.pattern('^((\\+91-?)|0)?[0-9]{10}$'), Validators.required])],
        otp: ['', Validators.compose([Validators.pattern('^[0-9]{4}$'), Validators.required])]


selectChange(e) {
// goback() {
//     this.nav.pop();  // remember to put this to add the back button behavior
// }
public next() {
    if (!this.formded.valid) {
        const toast = this.toastCtrl.create({
            message: 'Fill the inputs in valida format',
            duration: 3000
    else {
        const toast = this.toastCtrl.create({
            message: 'Registration Successfull',
            duration: 1000

public loc() {

    const toast = this.toastCtrl.create({
        message: 'click',
        duration: 4000



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Update my ionic app on google play


@Vartex05 wrote:

I have a question about updating my app on google play. Is it possible to load new version of app to google play, but disable automatic installation of update on devices, that have older version already installed?

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Ion-tabs bar is not showing

Blocked Urls


@divyarane wrote:

While installing the plugins and compiling the project it gives a proxy error. As i am working in a corporate, I need to know the urls that gets blocked behind the proxy. So can you help me with the url list that i can whitelist for the use and get it unblocked too.

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Odd problem that only cleaning the cache solves it


@Valdyr wrote:

I need some direction trying to find out what is happening in my production environment, maybe someone had a similar issue and can help. Every now and then my list of documents (from a firestore db) vanishes, usually after a document is edited, and the only way to make both the app and the browser version to resume working is to clean the cache. That being said, the actual problem is the lack of consistency in this, it happens from time to time, there is no step-by-step way to reproduce it nor have it ever happened in the dev environment. Any ideas?



ionic (Ionic CLI) : 4.10.2
Ionic Framework : ionic-angular 3.9.2
@ionic/app-scripts : 3.2.0


cordova (Cordova CLI) : 8.1.2 (cordova-lib@8.1.1)
Cordova Platforms : android 7.1.4
Cordova Plugins : no whitelisted plugins (18 plugins total)


Android SDK Tools : 26.1.1
NodeJS : v11.6.0
npm : 6.4.0
OS : Linux 4.18

Thanks .

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@Raul88 wrote:

Hello everyone, at the time of sending the mail and open the Gmail application. Is there any way to choose the email account from which we send, without having it registered on the phone ?.
Thanks in advance.

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Focus problem


@priyangaVT wrote:

After a page is pushed, the focus is not setting on top. In my project, I am using a header component, this component contains an image. I have loaded the component in a login page. after logged in successfully, i am pushing dashboard page. In dashboard page i need to set focus for the image element in the header component .

Please someone help me to solve this issue.

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[ERROR] ng has unexpectedly closed (exit code 1)


@Zodneur wrote:

I created a basic Angular interface, and then tried to open it with ionic.
the first time i compile i get an error that says that i should add “ionic.config.json” file to my project and after doing that and compile again i get this error and in order to resolve it i installed ionic in that directory but the same error keeps poping ! if anyone could help it would be much appreciated.

PS C:\Users\dell\Desktop\login1> ionic serve
> ng run app:serve --host= --port=8100
[ng] Project 'app' could not be found in workspace.
[ng] Error: Project 'app' could not be found in workspace.
[ng]     at Workspace.getProject (C:\Users\dell\Desktop\login1\node_modules\@angular-devkit\core\src\workspace\workspace.js:93:19)
[ng]     at Architect.getBuilderConfiguration (C:\Users\dell\Desktop\login1\node_modules\@angular-devkit\architect\src\architect-legacy.js:117:41)
[ng]     at RunCommand.runSingleTarget (C:\Users\dell\Desktop\login1\node_modules\@angular\cli\models\architect-command.js:160:45)
[ng]     at RunCommand.runArchitectTarget (C:\Users\dell\Desktop\login1\node_modules\@angular\cli\models\architect-command.js:201:35)
[ng]     at RunCommand.run (C:\Users\dell\Desktop\login1\node_modules\@angular\cli\commands\run-impl.js:14:25)
[ng]     at RunCommand.validateAndRun (C:\Users\dell\Desktop\login1\node_modules\@angular\cli\models\command.js:124:31)
[ng]     at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
[ng]     at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:744:11)
[ng]     at startup (internal/bootstrap/node.js:285:19)
[ng]     at bootstrapNodeJSCore (internal/bootstrap/node.js:739:3)

[ERROR] ng has unexpectedly closed (exit code 1).

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Ionic2 navigator.globalization set pattern


@mmcossu wrote:

e use ionic2 and our customer requires a comma as decimal separators for currencies in input fields. At the same time he wants a device keyboard showing the comma. Apparently the only thing that is stopping us is the fact that the elements is using this numeric pattern: “#,##0.###” taken from globalization.

We need to change this pattern somehow, so that the function navigator.globalization.getNumberPattern() returns a promise with a value like: “###0,###” .

Is there a way to override this pattern in ionic/cordova? I can’t see any set method exposed by navigator.globalization…

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Ionic 4 / App icon generation does not work


@wiloooo wrote:

First of all, hello to all. I have a problem with the ionic v4, the splashcreen generation works fine but not the app icon. I still have the ionic icon by default, it’s been two days that I’m on it I tried everything:

ionic cordova resources android
ionic cordova platform add/remove android
ionic cordova resources --force

but nothing helps! Is this normal? My pictures are well created, I see the android folder in resources, I do not understand

Otherwise the v4 is amaziiiiiing, is there a space to donate?

my configuration


   ionic (Ionic CLI)             : 4.10.1 (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ionic)
   Ionic Framework               : @ionic/angular 4.0.1
   @angular-devkit/build-angular : 0.12.4
   @angular-devkit/schematics    : 7.2.4
   @angular/cli                  : 7.2.4
   @ionic/angular-toolkit        : 1.2.3


   cordova (Cordova CLI) : 8.1.2 (cordova-lib@8.1.1)
   Cordova Platforms     : android 7.1.4, browser 5.0.4, ios 4.5.5
   Cordova Plugins       : cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard 2.1.3, cordova-plugin-ionic-webview 2.3.3, (and 14 other plugins)


   NodeJS : v10.6.0 (/usr/local/bin/node)
   npm    : 6.7.0
   OS     : Linux 4.15

By french user :wink: (sorry for my english, i’m french :rofl:)

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Ionic - iOS 12 - Unable to scroll on app


@BumblebeeLinton wrote:

Our app is not able to scroll on an iOS 12 device. The app only scrolls when you click on a button or when you trigger the onresume method. Any ideas? We have tried to update to cordova-ios@5.0.0 but with no luck.

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Ionic 4 - custom theme - primary color is not working


@nesbhm wrote:

I used color generator ,just like it is mentionned in the documentation, to update the default ionic theme. But when I tested my App, It did not work. I am always getting the old default value (#3880ff as a primary color).
However, it worked when testing it on a browser with ionic serve.

For example, I am trying to change the toolbar color :

This is what I get on chrome :


And this what I get on Android emulator/device :


What did I missed ? Thank you !

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New User - Ionic questions


@Antoineb86 wrote:

Hello everyone !

I am a French developer and I discovered Ionic Framework.

I wish to develop my application for my end of study project.
The application must-be is created on the command line and not via the site ionic?

That is, we put our own HTML / CSS / JS? No need to go through an ionic derivative? (AppFlow)

So I have to follow the tutorial https://ionicframework.com/docs? To create from A to Z my application?

I asked for an Ionic Studio license to make it a little easier for me even if I already manage the html css and js.

To export its application in .apk it’s simple?

I thank you in advance,


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Ionic & WifiWizard2


@blondie63 wrote:

Has anyone managed to use the cordova wifiwizard2 plugin and get the SSID of the current connection? to me it always comes back “unknow” despite all the various authorizations of xcode and others for android! Does anyone have an advice?

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Cannot find name 'SQLite'


@stemmo wrote:

Hi all,
I added the SQLite plugin in my project but, writing the code, I receive the error:
Cannot find name ‘SQLite’.
It’s quite strange cause I have no error on SQLiteObject item …
Of course I added:
import { SQLite, SQLiteObject } from ‘@ionic-native/sqlite’;

Symbol SQLite is not present in the suggested items list the VCode propose.

How can i solve it?

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