@JohnnyUB wrote:
Promises are so strange for me.
Look at this code
playAudio(index){ storageRef.getDownloadURL().then(onResolve, onReject); function onResolve() { storageRef.getDownloadURL().then(function(url) { console.log(url); sMedia.playAudio(url); }) console.log("File found!") } function onReject() { this.presentAlert(); /* <---- This is the problem */ console.log("File don't exist.") } presentAlert() { let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({ title: 'Ops!', subTitle: "No file for this search", buttons: ['OK'] }); alert.present(); }
This code seems to work. If the file exist on Firebase then the function onResolve() works fine. Instead if the file don’t exist then the console log is displayed but the function is not execute.
This because the function presentAlert() is invisible inside function onReject(). Why? How can i solve this problem?
Thank you!
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