Geolocation in ionic
@thomas96 wrote: I'm very new to ionic and not a lot familiar with angular as well. I've made a ionic app which you can log in to, and now I want to give it a purpose. I've decided to make a social...
View ArticlePushd and Ionic
@aSimpleUser wrote: Dear Ionic community, I want to combine my Ionic App with the Pushd server-side push service, because I want to use it's functionality to pub/sub to channels. I'm not sure if it's...
View ArticleNo done button for select tag in IOS
@satgua wrote: Hi, I am using select element. It has issue for iOS, it does not show done button. Same issue is for input type=date element. How can we handle it on iOS. I tried by making if...
View ArticleCustom Radio Button / Check Box
@vinimendes3 wrote: Is it possible to customize Ionic Radio Buttons, or then any plugin capable to do it, and turn Radio Button such as the following image? Posts: 1 Participants: 1 Read full topic
View ArticleGroup of vertical button (fixed)
@kirobo wrote: I want something similar to this: I do not want a side menu - since my views don't require side menu. I've tried using ionic col view layout but it creates a...
View ArticleHow to create this ionic view?
@SanIonic46 wrote: Hi, I tried below code .halfOval { background-color: #a0C580; width: 400px; height: 100px; margin: 50px auto 0px; border-radius: 0 0 80% 80%/ 0px 0px 100% 100%;} and I am getting...
View ArticleIonic package - You do not have permission to perform this action
@sidmurali wrote: Hi, I have created a security profile using my apple cert and profile. When I run the following command in terminal I get "Body: {"detail":"You do not have permission to perform this...
View ArticleCustomize notification messages, alert title
@PECNET wrote: Good evening, I set up my application on the pushwoosh plugins for notification.I work on ios / android and I have followed the tutotriel pushwoosh that provides on its website here...
View ArticleIOS infinite-scroll doesn't load data
@ebrarislami wrote: Hi, i have a problem with infinite scroll in my app. my code works on android but not on iphone. On iphone when i scroll down it doesnt load data and keeps...
View Article$ionicModal inputs disappear when keyboard active
@bplogan wrote: Hi, I have a form with one input in an $ionicModal. The modal displays properly but as soon as tap the input to enter text and the keyboard appears, everything in the modal disappears....
View ArticleHow can I create my own color variables in ionic?
@gowtham_sk wrote: I need to use some new colors in my app for buttons and other stuff. I googled it a lot but couldn't get any help. Any idea how to achieve this? Posts: 6 Participants: 2 Read full...
View ArticleIonic Push: Error: INVALID_SENDER
@angermaier wrote: I want to Setup Push Notifications for my App. In iOS everything is working but on Android I get this error. I triple checked if my "senderID" is equal to the Sender ID in Google...
View ArticleIonic app ngStorage not working in iOS device when downloaded from iTunes
@harun_rashid wrote: We have used ngStorage to store menu data to populate the menu. I have tested the app in Xcode Simulator, it worked fine and export the app to iPhone using Xcode and it all worked...
View ArticleBuild Error for Android
@hammadularefeen wrote: C:\Windows\System32\myApp>ionic build android Running command: "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" C:\Windows\System32\myApp\hooks\after_prepare\010_add_platform_class.js...
View ArticleIonic2 RC with sap kapsel plugins
@nicolaLange wrote: I developed an App with Ionic2 Beta11 with sap-kapsel-plugins and it works. Now i try to update to Ionic2 RC and it doesn't work.In the old Version, I implemented the plugin like...
View ArticleCreate a sprite animation for a spinner in the splashscreen
@mandraker wrote: Hello everyone, for my project my chief (i'm french by the way so my english can be approximate) ask me to add at the SplashScreen a animation for replace the classic spinner. But i...
View ArticleIon-view is not displayed
@Kaesebrot wrote: Hi there, I am facing a really weird issue. I was following this tutorial. My goal was to implement two ion-view's which have a reference to each other. My problem is that when...
View ArticleGoogle map work on web but not work device
@vete wrote: make a tab for google maps. but it doesn't work on device .please help me:sob: Posts: 10 Participants: 2 Read full topic
View ArticleManage the cache and play ios advertising without departing controls
@nihiko wrote: Hi all, anyone knows how to set the cache of the application on android, known also as someone playing a video advertising and do not leave ios controls. I thank in advance who can help...
View ArticleShow native Android console
@Silvermyst wrote: Hi, there! I'm having issues doing the SSL certificate verification. I need to know why is it rejecting the SSL, so I want to print what type of SslError is the onReceivedSslError...
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