@Balicek wrote:
Hi, I spent lot of time on this but I don't know how to figure it out
my app looks like this:
.state('tab', { url: "/tab", abstract: true, templateUrl: "menu.html" }) .state('tab.tab1', { url: '/tab1', views: { 'tab-tab1': { templateUrl: 'tab1.html', controller: 'Tab1Ctrl' } } }) .state('tab.tab2', { url: '/tab2', views: { 'tab-tab2': { templateUrl: 'tab2.html', controller: 'Tab2Ctrl' } } }) //ANOTHER TAB MENU .state('anothertab', { url: "/anothertab", abstract: true, templateUrl: "anotherMenu.html" }) //online .state('anothertab.anotherTab1', { url: '/anotherTab1', views: { 'anothertab-anothertab1': { templateUrl: 'anotherTab1.html', controller: 'anotherTab1Ctrl' } } })
And on page /tab2 I have ui-sref="anothertab.anotherTab1" And I would like to put animation between these two menus like when is animation between nested pages. But I tried everything but nothing is working for me. Please HELP.
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