@wf9a5m75 wrote:
Hi Ionic users,
This is Masashi, who is the author of the cordova-plugin-googlemaps
The cordova googlemaps plugin will be bumped up version 2.0 soon.
The performance is improved overall, and multiple maps in one page, and also works in the multiple pages.The reason of I wrote here is that some method names and some event names are changed from version 1.
I don't know who managers the Google Map module for ionic,
but you need to update the wrapper code.Unfortunately I'm not familiar with ionic. So I can not contribute.
The document is here.
https://github.com/mapsplugin/cordova-plugin-googlemaps/wiki/v2-betaAnd more detail document is in the demo apk.
https://github.com/mapsplugin/v2.0-demoPlease update the Google Map module for ionic for the new version.
Thank you.
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