@ajeetlakhani wrote:
I've build an android app using ionic.
The app is working fine on other android devices but i checked it on mi(xiaomi) phones. My app's first screen contains login with facebook, login with google and skip login button. i added on-tap event on all three of them and neither of those are working in mi phones.
<section class="paddingh40 margint10"> <button class="button button-block facebook fg-white no-border" style="background-color:#3B5998;" on-tap="fblogin();">Sign in with Facebook</button> <button class="button button-block marginb0 googleplus fg-white no-border" style="background-color:#d34836;" on-tap="gPluslogin();">Sign in with Google</button> <p class="md-captionx text-center no-margin paddingv10 fg-grayLight" style="font-size: 0.8rem;"><small>We never post unless you tell us to</small></p> </section> <section> <div class="text-center pos-absx full-size paddingh40"> <div class="bd-top-lighter"> <button class="button-clear no-margin paddingt5 button-small md-body-1 button-block text-center fg-dark" on-tap="skipLogin();"> Skip Login </button> </div> </div> </section>
What can be the reason behind it ?
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