@wandyer wrote:
I made an Ionic app that immediately opens a external url with the InAppBrowser plugin. This is how my .js Controller looks like this:
angular.module('starter', ['ionic']) .run(function($ionicPlatform) { $ionicPlatform.ready(function() { var url = "http://www.example.com"; var windowref = window.open(url, '_blank', 'location=no,closebuttoncaption=Return,toolbar=yes,enableViewportScale=yes'); }); });
My problem now is I want to download a file whenever the user encounters a download link. I installed the File Transfer plugin but I don't know how to integrate it with my controller.
I looked around for answers but they are all snippets of code and I don't really know how to implement it on my scenario.
I'm pretty new to Ionic/Cordova and I would appreciate a help.
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