@kimaniidaniel wrote:
HI, I'm trying to have my app poll my server API for new information every min. I tried using Angular1 and iconic 1 with this plugin - https://ionicframework.com/docs/v2/native/background-mode/. I tested the app in Ionic View, pressed the home button and I get no notification. I did this simple test (see below code) where the app is supposed to wait 5 seconds when in background then show a notification. Here's my code. What could be the problem?
$cordovaBackgroundMode.onactivate = () => { $scope.home.intro_text = "activated<Br>"; setTimeout(function () { // Modify the currently displayed notification cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.configure({ title: 'Netherlands RSA', resume: true, isPublic: true, text: 'Running in background for more than 5s now.' }); $cordovaLocalNotifications.schedule({ id: 1, text: 'Testing', }); $scope.home.intro_text += "set timeout launched<BR>"; }, 5000); };
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