@BernhardSmuts wrote:
[SOLVED] ...Solution at the end...
Hi Guys...
I have followed everything to the letter and I can't get any of the methods in $ionicSlideBoxDelegate to work.
The console.log returns blank.
I have 5 slide that all work perfectly otherwise.My Code:
HTML (There is a lot around this HTML, but I just took out the section with the function call)
<div class="card" ng-click="whatSlide()"> <div class="item item-text-wrap"> click me </div> </div>
app.controller("myAppCtrl", function( $scope, $ionicTabsDelegate, $ionicActionSheet, $timeout, $ionicSideMenuDelegate, $ionicPopover, $ionicSlideBoxDelegate ) { //===Tabs and slide box controls=== $scope.whatSlide = function() { $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.next() console.log($ionicSlideBoxDelegate.slidesCount()); } //===onHold controls=== $scope.holdTest = function() { console.log("hold test running"); } //All Popover controls // .fromTemplateUrl() method $ionicPopover.fromTemplateUrl('my-popover.html', { scope: $scope }).then(function(popover) { $scope.popover = popover; }); $scope.openPopover = function($event) { $scope.popover.show($event); }; $scope.closePopover = function() { $scope.popover.hide(); }; //Cleanup the popover when we're done with it! $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { $scope.popover.remove(); }); // Execute action on hide popover $scope.$on('popover.hidden', function() { // Execute action }); // Execute action on remove popover $scope.$on('popover.removed', function() { // Execute action }); //===Side menu controls=== $scope.toggleBurgerMenu = function() { $ionicSideMenuDelegate.toggleRight(); } });
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