@madhavanionic wrote:
Hi All,
For automating the the android app created by using ionic( version 1.7.15 ) in the uiautomaterviewer of android tools,
Problem Statement
I'm in need of resource-id to do the automation testing.I'm hereby comparing the my app with pacifica for the proper understanding of my exact problem.Expected Result
The app of pacifica developed in ionic(version unknown),installed in SAMSUNG galaxy J2 and automated in uiautomaterviewer,The resourced id is available
Sample Screenshot
Actual Result
The app developed by us in ionic(version 1.7.15), installed in SAMSUNG galaxy J2 and automated in uiautomaterviewer,The resourced id is not available
Sample Screenshot
It will be better if i get values for the following fields,
a) text
b) content-descKindly revert for any more details and please do give you most valuable tips to sort it out.
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