@finetheagency wrote:
Ionic Version: 1.3.1
Ionic being used as front end framework for hybrid mobile app
NON Cordova App
NON PhoneGap App
NGINX/PHP FPM 5.6I had an image in my ionic app on a details page. We simply changed the color of the image. We committed to SVN, updated on production. Force closed the app, reopen and the image is the old version.
Procedures attempted to result in the new image updating:
- Remove file caching from server
- Update expire date for static files to be 1s
- Changed the file name and path to a completely new name to cache bust.
- Updated state config to have the option: cache : false
- Updated the view's cache-view attribute to be false
- Tried using Ionic's cache delegate to clearCache() on app run
NON of the above worked in any way. I had to delete the app and reinstall to have the change become effective. What code should I include for example, what process should be done to update the images inside my app as we obviously can't require our thousands of existing users to delete and reinstall our app.
Please help with this.
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