@priteshpmehta wrote:
In my app i am checking network state whether user is online or offline using
on each request. If user doesn't have network or if any user goes offline then i want to send user on some other page (other controller). Once user comes back online automatically or by clicking retry button, app should redirect to previous controller again.I have tried following code but it works only when user goes offline... once he comes online again... it went through it...even it print console log but $state.go() is not working...
.controller('MasterController',['$scope', '$state', '$rootScope', '$cordovaNetwork', function ($scope, $state, $rootScope, $cordovaNetwork) { document.addEventListener("deviceready", function () { var type = $cordovaNetwork.getNetwork() var isOnline = $cordovaNetwork.isOnline() var isOffline = $cordovaNetwork.isOffline() // listen for Offline event $rootScope.$on('$cordovaNetwork:offline', function(event, networkState){ var offlineState = networkState; console.log("offlineState : " + offlineState); $state.go('mainMaster.Offline', {}, {reload: true}); }) }, false); }]) .controller('OfflineController',['$scope', '$state', '$rootScope', '$cordovaNetwork', function ($scope, $state, $rootScope, $cordovaNetwork) { document.addEventListener("deviceready", function () { var type = $cordovaNetwork.getNetwork() var isOnline = $cordovaNetwork.isOnline() var isOffline = $cordovaNetwork.isOffline() // listen for Online event $rootScope.$on('$cordovaNetwork:online', function(event, networkState){ var onlineState = networkState; // i am able to get following log... but $state.go not working.. console.log("onlineState : " + onlineState); $state.go('mainMaster.Dashboard', {}, {reload: true}); }) }, false); }])
Thank you.
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