@harishmss164 wrote:
//Actual webscript
Im trying to open above script using in_app browser
var options = {
location: 'no',
clearcache: 'yes',
toolbar: 'yes'
};var ref=window.open('http://www.livehelpnow.net/products/live-chat-system', '_blank', options); ref.addEventListener('loadstop', function() { ref.executeScript({ code:"var lhnAccountN = '310904-1';var lhnButtonN = 38;var lhnInviteEnabled = 1;var lhnWindowN = 0;var lhnDepartmentN = 36316;var lhnChatPosition = 'bottomright';" }) ref.executeScript({ code:"var chat; chat.src='www.livehelpnow.net/lhn/widgets/chatbutton/lhnchatbutton-current.min.js' chat.id='lhnscript'" }) }) }
<a href="http://www.livehelpnow.net/products/live-chat-system" target="_blank" style="font-size:10px;"ng-click="testChat()" id="lhnHelp">best live chat</a>
//the external scripts are not loading and how to bind the id values to the script.
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