@r2get wrote:
hello, i was using ionic user to get a device token because my app is using push. But since today it seems this is not working anymore? now my live app does not work anymore
here is the code
// kick off the platform web client Ionic.io(); //set up push var push = new Ionic.Push({ "debug": false, "onNotification": function(notification) { var payload = notification.payload; //console.log(notification, payload); }, "onRegister": function(data) { console.log('onregister.. '+data.token); //loginService.setDeviceToken(data.token, $cordovaDevice.getPlatform()); }, "pluginConfig": { "ios": { "badge": true, "sound": true, "clearBadge": true, "alert": true }, "android": { "senderID": "571532893160", "iconColor": "#f06d27", "sound": true, "vibrate": true, "clearNotifications": true, "forceShow": true }, "windows": { } } }); //setup user var user = Ionic.User.current(); user.id = jwtHelper.decodeToken($auth.getToken()).data.user_id; user.set('firstname', $rootScope.bringer_firstname); user.save(); //callback var callback = function(data) { console.log('Registered token:', data.token); console.log(data.token); push.addTokenToUser(user); user.save(); ////save token to database if (data.token) { loginService.setDeviceToken(data.token, $cordovaDevice.getPlatform()); } } //register user push.register(callback);
what can i do???
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