@redgeoff wrote:
I've developed an open source project that allows you to easily handle pasted images in all major browsers: https://github.com/redgeoff/paste-image. Unfortunately, when I use this project in a very simple Ionic app, it does not appear to work in Safari (it works in Chrome and Firefox just fine).
A live demo of this simple Ionic app is at http://bl.ocks.org/redgeoff/3331e810c5d391f568611d86e15876f9
A live demo of the project working in all browsers when it is not within an Ionic app can be found at https://redgeoff.github.io/paste-image/examples/
I'm pretty sure the problem is at the Ionic layer as I have created a raw Angular app and paste-image appears to work just fine. Does Ionic hijack the "click" or "paste" events in Safari? Any ideas for a workaround?
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