@rngm wrote:
I am building a Ionic app. I have 4 Select boxes in the form and have assigned tabindexes to them in sequence. The data is populated dynamically for all Select's based on ng-change.
Code is like below.<div class="col"> <div class="row"> <div tabindex="1"> Pickup Date <select id="pdSelect" ng-options="pdate in pickupDates" ng-change="dofirst()"> </select> </div> <div tabindex="2"> Pickup Time <select id="ptSelect" ng-options="ptime in pickupTimes" ng-change="dosecond()"> </select> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div tabindex="3"> Dropoff Date <select id="ddSelect" ng-options="ddate in DeliveryDates" ng-change="dothird()"> </select> </div> <div tabindex="4"> Dropoff Time <select id="dtSelect" ng-options="dtime in DeliveryTimes" ng-change="dofourth()"> </select> </div> </div> </div>
When I run it in ios emulator or device, the NEXT ( '>' ) button is disabled when we click Pickup Time. Normally it should be enabled and go to Dropoff Date.
Also, the NEXT ( '>' ) button is disabled when we click Dropoff Date.
Any suggestions on how to enable NEXT ( '>' ) button please.
Below are the images.
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