@guptarohit19 wrote:
Hi Everyone,
I know there are plenty of references already available to implement push notification from scratch. It seems simple initially but i have got stuck in between and not able to decide where is is issue in my approach to implement push notification in ionic 1.I have used below references for building my sample app
- I have set my GCM Project and API Key on Google Cloud
- I have set my security profile using the same GCM API key in Ionic IO.
I have my app running in browser which have generated and displaying the device token.
Now i am trying to send Ionic Push messages from ionic io but all the messages are going in send state and none of them status is changing.
I have even tried to publish by using a sample node js script or by using PostMan pluggin but its failing with below error :
HEADERS: {"connection":"close","server":"nginx","date":"Wed, 14 Sep 2016 03:36:5
5 GMT","content-type":"application/json; charset=utf-8","content-length":"196","
via":"1.1 vegur, 1.1 vegur","access-control-allow-credentials":"true","access-co
BODY: {"meta": {"request_id": "87cae260-72cb-4138-8737-0cb23e6d425e", "status":
401, "version": "2.0.0-beta.0"}, "error": {"type": "Unauthorized", "link": null,
"message": "JWT decode error occurred."}}Here is the node script :
var ionicPushServer = require('ionic-push-server');
var credentials = {
IonicApplicationID : "48e8672d", // app_id
IonicApplicationAPIsecret : "9e330522a91be8a2714a52371e4b94d13a4d9a074cab8b5e" // io
};var notification = {
"alert":"Hi from Ionic Push Service!",
"expiry": 1423238641,
"priority": 10,
"contentAvailable": true,
ionicPushServer(credentials, notification);I am not sure how do i trace whether the issue is
a. between Ionic Push and GCM
b. or From GCM to My applicationI want to first verify the demo in my web browser to see if i am able to publish from Ionic Push > GCM > My application (or phone)
Need any help if there is a better way to test this flow. Sorry for asking the same steps again
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