@aarondeveloper wrote:
Hello guys,ç
So.. i have this issue:I'm using the "cordova-plugin-device" for getting the "serial number" & "uuid" on ionic 1 on my app, to send them to another app through an API...
But when i send the "uuid" "they (the other app) get a different value and they don't match and when i send the serial number they get an "undefined value".Here's part of my code
function onDeviceReady() {
$scope.deviceTest = device;
window.localStorage['uuid'] = device.uuid;
}$scope.uuid = window.localStorage['uuid'];
$scope.porate = function(idporate) { $http.post( 'http:.etc.', 'action=setinfologin&idapp=AD01&user=' + window.localStorage['username'] + '&password=' + window.localStorage['password'] + '&chatwith=' + idporate + '&iddispositivo=' + $scope.uuid,
any idea why i'm getting this error???
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