@andrei_diaconescu wrote:
I followed exactly the documentation, to add push notification to an Android app, from here
Things work partially:
- this code works fine:$ionicPlatform.ready(function () { console.log('Trying to register device to get a GCM/APNS (Google Cloud Messaging/Apple Push Notification Service) TOKEN'); $ionicPush.register().then( function (t) { console.log('Device Registered with GCM/APNS (Google Cloud Messaging/Apple Push Notification Service) to get a push token: ' + JSON.stringify(t)); console.log('Trying to save the token within GCM/APNS (Google Cloud Messaging/Apple Push Notification Service): ' + JSON.stringify(t)); $ionicPush.saveToken(t).then( function(savedToken) { console.log('GCM/APNS (Google Cloud Messaging/Apple Push Notification Service) Push Notifications Token saved:' + JSON.stringify(savedToken)); deferred.resolve(savedToken); }, function(error) { var msg = 'Failed to save the GCM/APNS (Google Cloud Messaging/Apple Push Notification Service) Push Notifications Token; error:' + JSON.stringify(error); console.log(msg); deferred.reject(msg); } ); }, function(error) { var msg = 'FAILED to register device with GCM/APNS (Google Cloud Messaging/Apple Push Notification Service) to get a push token; error: ' + JSON.stringify(error); console.log(msg); deferred.reject(msg); } ); });
- i mean the message in console:
_"GCM/APNS (Google Cloud Messaging/Apple Push Notification Service) Push Notifications Token saved:{"token":"c0OEAA44nqM:APA91bHF8ZzX0dPqDm-KamItFwZRA0aafE3LyaRZ4mq17_OoYHrod1vbHHdt1gICDQCDgyiiaz6SJD1657P3wEfJ48AAPB56KU6Mru1Fr_CH8ixyQ8I0h-Dd34dp6OmgppM0mdjFGXGd","registered":true,"id":"beb0b4b4038087e458e3e16cbfd63256","type":"android","saved":true}"_
which is fine
- but then i register to listen for the event of notification like this:
$scope.$on('cloud:push:notification', function (event, data) { var msg = data.message; console.log('RECEIVED PUSH NOTIFICATION: ' + JSON.stringify(msg)); alert(msg.title + ': ' + msg.text); });
- and i send the notification using the web interface at ionic.io:
and nothing happens in the application on the mobile phone, nothing gets logged to the console, and no notification appears.Can someone help me please ?
Thank you.
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