@angelalukic wrote:
I've also asked about this on StackOverflow and GitHub but I don't seem to be getting much luck.
I've currently got an Ionic App which has both a sidemenu and a tabs bar. I'm trying to get it so the tabs bar will display on sidemenu pages which are not children of the tabs bar. The only page which is a child of both is the dashboard. Currently the tabs bar disappears if I access a side menu page that isn't dashboard.
From browsing the Ionic forums I learned of a method which seems to be on the right tracks but it doesn't seem to be working.
Reference: http://ionicframework.com/docs/api/service/$ionicTabsDelegate/
<ion-content class="side-menu-left" ng-controller="AppCtrl"> <ion-list <!--Irrelevant Stuff Here-->> <ion-item ui-sref="aboutUs" <!--Irrelevant Stuff Here--> ng-click="showTabs()" menu-close> <i class="icon ion-information-circled"></i>About Us</ion-item> <!-- More Side Menu Items Here etc. -->
.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope, $ionicTabsDelegate) { $scope.showTabs = function() { $ionicTabsDelegate.showBar(true); }; });
I have also tried $ionicTabsDelegate.$getByHandle('tabsController').showBar(true); but this doesn't work either. I can access the page fine but the tabs bar still does not appear.
Here are some other bits of my code if it helps understanding in any way:
<ion-view style="" class=" " id="page10" title="About Us"> <ion-content class="has-header" padding="true"><!--Content Here--></ion-content> </ion-view>
.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) { $stateProvider .state('tabsController', { url: '/page1', templateUrl: 'templates/tabsController.html', abstract:true }) .state('tabsController.dashboard', { url: '/dashboard', views: { 'tab1': { templateUrl: 'templates/dashboard.html', controller: 'dashboardCtrl' } } }) // Other controllers for tabs pages here .state('aboutUs', { url: '/aboutUs', templateUrl: 'templates/aboutUs.html', controller: 'aboutUsCtrl' }) // Other controllers for sidemenu pages here $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/page1/dashboard') });
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