@ramosj wrote:
I need get the selected itens in a Check Box and Insert in a WebSQL.
My View HTML:
`<ion-view view-title="Comprar Bebidas Adicionais" hide-nav-bar="false" > <div class="bar bar-subheader"> <h2 class="title">{{'Sub-Total R$ ' + getTotalSelected() }}</h2> </div> <ion-content delegate-handle="top" lazy-scroll id="lista-bebidas" class="has-header lista-bebidass" ng-controller="exBebidasCtrl" > <ion-refresher pulling-text="Puxe para atualizar..." on-refresh="doRefresh()"></ion-refresher> <ion-list class="card list"> <div class="item item-input"> <i class="icon ion-search placeholder-icon"></i> <input type="search" ng-model="q" placeholder="Procurar" aria-label="filter bebidasextras" /> </div> </ion-list> <ion-list> <div ng-repeat="bebida in bebidasextras"> <ion-checkbox ng-model="bebida.selected" ng-checked="bebida.selected" > <h2>{{bebida.ad_bebida_titulo}}</h2><p>R$ {{bebida.ad_bebida_valor}}</p> </ion-checkbox> </div> </ion-list> <button class="button button-block button-balanced" ng-click="updateBebida()"> Continuar Comprando </button> {{ selectedItems | json }} </ion-content> </ion-view>
I try get the selected itens and insert into a WebSQL:
`.controller("exBebidasCtrl", function($scope,$rootScope,$state,$ionicScrollDelegate,$http,$httpParamSerializer,$stateParams,$timeout,$ionicLoading,$ionicPopup,$ionicPopover,$ionicSlideBoxDelegate,$ionicHistory,ionicMaterialInk,ionicMaterialMotion, sharedCartService,CartServiceBebidasEx, $location, DBLocal){
// VERIFICA SE HÁ BEBIDAS EXTRAS $scope.bebidasextras = []; var promise = $http.get('http://nhac.esy.es/api_carrinho/lista_bebida_extra.php?json=restaurantes') .success(function(retorno) { console.log(retorno); $scope.bebidasextras = retorno; // não precisa fazer retorno.data $scope.user = { bebidasextras: [$scope.bebidasextras[1]] }; $scope.checkAll = function() { $scope.user.bebidasextras = angular.copy($scope.bebidasextras); }; $scope.uncheckAll = function() { $scope.user.bebidasextras = []; }; $scope.checkFirst = function() { $scope.user.bebidasextras = []; $scope.user.bebidasextras.push($scope.bebidasextras[0]); }; $scope.setToNull = function() { $scope.user.bebidasextras = null; }; // CALCULA TOTAL DOS ITENS SELECIONADOS NA LISTA $scope.sub = function(i) { i.quantity--; } $scope.add = function(i) { i.quantity++; } $scope.getTotalSelected = function() { var total = 0; for(var i = 0; i < $scope.bebidasextras.length; i++){ var bebida = $scope.bebidasextras[i]; total += bebida.selected ? Number(bebida.ad_bebida_valor) : 0; } return total; } }) .error(function(erro) { console.log(erro); }); // PEGA BEBIDAS SELECIONADAS $scope.updateBebida = function(){ var p = []; for (var i = 0; i < $scope.bebidasextras.length; i++) { var item = $scope.bebidasextras[i]; if ( item.selected) { p.push(item ) } } $scope.selectedItems = p; //console.log(p); // TESTA SE GUARDA A BEBIDA SELECIONADA // INSERINDO DADOS LOCALMENTE DBLocal.localdb();
// var dados = p.filter(function(e){
// return e.ad_bebida_titulo == bebida.ad_bebida_titulo;
// })DBLocal.db.transaction(function(res){ res.executeSql("INSERT INTO AD_BEBIDAS (nome_bebida_ad) VALUES(?);",[p]); }); }
But I cant not get the selected and insert in my WebSQL Table.`
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