@rafabsides wrote:
Hi guys! First I'm sorry if this is already asked. I searched the forum and found some topics about it but although they helped in some levels, I'm still stuck in this.
I have this flow in my app:
- Home: Splash screen with a button that leads to the next page
- Versions: Shows a list with 4 (or more) car models. Selecting a car sends the id to the router so the next menu is all dependent on the choice here.
- Home of the model chosen above with a tabbed menu. Each item in this menu should link to the funcionality of the version chosen.So the best way I thought to build this router would be:
.state('home', { url: '/', templateUrl: 'templates/home.html' }) .state('versions', { url: '/versions', templateUrl: 'templates/versions.html', controller: 'VersionsCtrl' }) .state('versions.car', { url: '/versions/:id', templateUrl: 'templates/version-home.html', controller: 'VersionCtrl' }) .state('versions.car.gallery', { url: '/versions/:id/gallery', templateUrl: 'templates/gallery.html', controller: 'GalleryCtrl' })
So the gallery page should open the gallery for that specific car model.
It goes through until the vesions.html page but when I try to go to a car model (#/versions/1 for example) it doesn't work. I didn't even started the tab menu because the named views would depend on the ID which is getting complicated on how to get... Could anyone help me here? Really appreciate this
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