@ervinsotm wrote:
Hello guys!
I really need your help, this is more angular specified trouble. I have created ng-click test button
<ion-item ng-repeat="document in filtered = (documents | filter: searchFilter | filter: {category_id: categoryFilter.id}: false | orderBy: sortBy)" type="item-text-wrap"> <form class="view-form" name="viewForm" method="post" ng-submit="open(document, user)"> <button type="submit"><img class="document-image" image-lazy-src="{{::url + document.thumbnail }}" alt="" image-lazy-loader="ios"/></button> </form> <div class="document-title" ng-if="document.title.length <= 25">{{::document.title}} <span class="document-size">({{::document.size | filesize:2}})</span></div> <div class="document-title" ng-if="document.title.length > 25">{{::document.title | limitTo: 25}} ...<span class="document-size"> ({{::document.size | filesize:2}})</span></div> <div class="document-functions"> <form name="downloadForm" method="post" ng-submit="download(document)"> <button class="buttons button-document-save">Save</button> </form> <button ng-click="check(document)">Test</button> <pre>{{ download }}</pre> <form name="sendForm" method="post" ng-submit="send(document, user, data)"> <button class="buttons button-document-send" >Email file</button> </form> </div> </ion-item>
with function
.controller('DocumentCtrl', function($http, $scope, $ionicPopup, $timeout, $cordovaFileTransfer,$cordovaFile, $window, localStorageService) { $scope.check = function(document) { var url = baseUrl + document.image; var filename = url.split("/").pop(); $cordovaFile.checkFile(cordova.file.documentsDirectory, filename) .then(function(success) { $scope.download = success; }, function(error) { $scope.download = error; }); }; })
which returns, if image path exists. I've tried this function with ng-if, it returns infinite loop error, have no idea why.
The idea is not to show document download button, if image path exists.
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