@MaikDz wrote:
I have the following problem:
The slider (ion-slides) only works after I resize the browser or when I call the slider's update() function. If I don't do that, the slider won't let me change the slides. I can swipe the slide to an extent where I can see parts of the new slide, but when I release the mouse (or finger on mobile device) it snaps back to the first slide.I tried calling the slider's update function on $ionicView.AfterEnter or $ionicView.loaded without success. Calling update() after a 1 second timeout after the slider has been initialized works most of the time, but that is not a solution.
After the update call or after I resized the browser, everything works as expected.
I wrote a SliderService so that I can reuse the code for every page of my app that needs the slider:
this.createSlider = function (scope) { return { slider: {}, data: {}, options: { speed: 500, direction: 'horizontal', effect: 'slide', pagination: false, touchAngle: 25 } }; }; this.initSlider = function (scope) { scope.$watch("slider.data.slider", function (nv, ov) { scope.slider.slider = scope.slider.data.slider; if (scope.slider.slider) { // $timeout(function () { // scope.slider.slider.update(); // }, 750); } }); };
$scope.slider = SliderService.createSlider($scope); SliderService.initSlider($scope);
<ion-view> <ion-pane> <ion-slides options="slider.options" slider="slider.data.slider"> <ion-slide-page> <ion-content class="has-tabs-top" has-bouncing="false" overflow-scroll="false"> </ion-content> </ion-slide-page> <ion-slide-page> <ion-content class="has-tabs-top" has-bouncing="false" overflow-scroll="false"> </ion-content> </ion-slide-page> </ion-slides> </ion-pane> </ion-view>
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