@charlestech wrote:
I created a form interface in Ionic Creator. How do I get the values of this interface for PHP.
I want to click the button to call the PHP page that receives these values and directs you to another page as the user's choice.How do the Ionic call a PHP page?
I tried to do so, but does not work ....
<Form action = "form.php" method = "POST"> <Select name = "width"> <Option value = "1"> Less than 2.4 </ option> <Option value = "2" selected = ""> Between 2.4 and 3.0 </ option> <Option value = "3"> Increased 3.0 </ option> </ Select> <Button class = "button-button positive button-block icon right-ion-ios-arrow-forward" id = "guia3-button6" ui-SREF = "largura.php"> </ Form>
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