@qbeinnovation wrote:
So I have list that when I use ng-repeat to fill it, it displays properly and fills out the scrollable list as expected.
Howerver, if I take the below code and change it to collection-repeat, it displays the items as a single list-item high stack, one behind the other:
<ion-list id="productList">
<ion-item class="productItem animated fadeIn" ng-click="setProduct('', 'alllines')" style="background-image: url(img/lines/bars/alllines.jpg);">All Products</ion-item>
<ion-item ng-repeat="product in products"
class="productItem animated fadeInLeft"
ng-class="{fadeInRight: $index % 2 == 0}"
ng-click="setProduct('{{product.name}}', '{{product.image}}')"
style="background-image: url(img/lines/bars/{{product.image}}.jpg);">{{product.name}}</ion-item>
Any ideas on where I've gone wrong?
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