@Richardh wrote:
I have a directive that is used in many places in my app and when I toggle the checkbox the model is not updated and added to the model object that will be sent back to the server.
I am new to directives and wondered if this would be captured using the link part of the directive?
angular.module('mobile') .directive('rhConductors', function(){ return { restrict: 'EA', scope:{ model:'=', form:'=' }, templateUrl:'common/rhConductors.html' } })
Does anybody have some starting code for me please.
<li class="item"> <label class="item item-toggle"> Verified <label class="toggle toggle-success"> <input type="checkbox" data-ng-model="model.condMEVerified"> <div class="track"> <div class="handle"></div> </div> </label> </label> </li>
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