@akilud wrote:
Thanks to your awesome framework , I build a Webrtc Video Chat app , Now i would like to "pop" the incoming call page whenever the user receives a call, I use ionic notifications to open the app when the app is killed and a call is being received.
I want to know if there is a way in which i can kind of combine 2 different packages containing separate ionic app activities, One will be my present app, the other will be only the code to receive a call. So when a user receives a call, we open package 2, otherwise package 1.
Currently if the app is killed(from coldstart) , a notification arrives , user clicks on it and the app opens from start, loading the splashscreen , index.html, plugins ,etc which takes 6 to 14 seconds depending on the device.
I'm also open to any ideas on how to deal with this situation.
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