@tomilenko wrote:
Hello Guys,
I have a problem with Ionic Push notifications (Android). I have to use the phonegap-plugin-push.I can't set the notification sound and icon. I put the icon for notification to the platforms/android/res/drawable/notification_icon.png
and sound for notification to the platforms/android/res/raw/chirp1.mp3.My notification request looks like this:
"notification": {
"title": "My App",
"message": "My message",
"sound": "chirp1.mp3"
"android": {
"icon": "notification_icon.png",
}or looks like this:
"notification": {
"title": "My App",
"message": "My message",
"soundname": "chirp1.mp3"
"android": {
"icon": "notification_icon.png",
"soundname": "chirp1.mp3"
}What I wrong do? What do I need to do for set custom sound and custom icon?
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