@mavillar wrote:
I have a search bar at the header and wish to be able to link a click event to one icon.
Here is the header code:
<ion-nav-title> <div class="item-input-inset" style="padding:5px"> <label class="item-input-wrapper" style="background-color:#FFF"> <i class="icon ion-ios-search placeholder-icon" style="font-size:20px"></i> <input ng-model="search_text" type="text" placeholder="Search" style="width:100%;height:33px" focus-me my-enter="new_search(search_text)"> <i class="icon ion-android-close placeholder-icon" style="font-size:20px;" ng-click="clear_search_text()"></i> </label> </div> </ion-nav-title>
As can be seen, there are two icons. the second one has a ng-click that never fires once tapped. In fact, when clicked, it's like i had clicked on the input.
Is there any solution for this situation?
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