@MaKin wrote:
I've created a state with multiple views. Can you tell me how to route to a specific view?
.state('tabs.movies', { url: '/movies', views: { 'movies-tab': { templateUrl: 'templates/movies.html', controller: 'MoviesCtrl' }, 'movies-tab-grid': { templateUrl: 'templates/movies_grid.html', controller: 'MoviesCtrl' }, 'movies-tab-list': { templateUrl: 'templates/movies_list.html', controller: 'MoviesCtrl' } } })
The three (sub) views are about to show the same content but with different layouts (Slides, Grid, List). I also tried to use ng-switch / ng-if, but whenever I wrap my carousel (ks-swiper-container) with a div-container, it completely disappears. So I thought routing might be the better way.
I would then like to create a button to switch the (sub) views like this:
<ion-nav-buttons side="secondary"> <button class="button button-icon ion-grid" ng-click=""> </button> </ion-nav-buttons>
I know that routing can be done in several ways (e.g. with a href) but I have no idea how to route to a view instead of a specific state or route to a state showing a specific view.
Any help is much appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
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