@dylaneJC wrote:
Hi everyone
I get a problem while running "Ionic Serve" command on my windows.
Here is the message that usually appear :" http://localhost:8100 le fichier ou le repertoire est endommagé et illisible". That's means that the file or the directory can't be read and is corrupeted.
Also when I run "Ionic emulate android" command.
Here is the error I got :"PS C:\MonAppli> ionic emulate android
Running command: "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" C:\MonAppli\hooks\after_prepare\010_add_platform_class.js C:\MonAppli
add to body class: platform-android
Error: Failed to find 'ANDROID_HOME' environment variable. Try setting setting it manually.
Failed to find 'android' command in your 'PATH'. Try update your 'PATH' to include path to valid SDK directory."
I've already set up android SDK and Java JDK, but I don't know where the problem comes from.If someone can help me about that matter....I'll be very pleased.
Thanks so much
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