I have a bluetooth-le connection to a device that occasionally drops. When this happens I try to reconnect. The user can also choose to disconnect. I need to differentiate between these events.
return this.ble.connect(macAddress, this.onDisconnect.bind(this))
.then(connection => this.commsData.broadcastConnection(macAddress))
communications data service
private _connection$: Subject<IConnectionEvent> = new Subject();
public get connection$(): Observable<IConnectionEvent> {
return this._connection$.asObservable();
public broadcastConnection(macAddress: string) {
this._connection$.next({event: ConnectionEvent.CONNECT, macAddress});
public broadcastDisconnection(connectionEvent: ConnectionEvent) {
this._connection$.next({event: connectionEvent});
The bluetooth-le connect method takes an onDisconnect callback that fires in both situations. I have a subject that returns observables emitting connection states as they change. A connection emits ‘connect’, a manual disconnection emits ‘disconnect’ and I need a way to signal a dropped connection.
private isExpectedDisconnection: boolean = false;
onDisconnect(macAddress: string) {
// default behaviour is to retry connection
if (!this.isExpectedDisconnection) {
return this.commsData.broadcastDisconnection(ConnectionEvent.DROP);
this.isExpectedDisconnection = false;
I’ve achieved this with a flag, ‘isExpectedDisconnection’, which is set false by default, true when a user disconnection occurs and reset to false in the onDisconnect callback function. This is a really imperative way of doing something I feel should be handled reactively. But I’m still having a hard time thinking that way.
next: (connectionEvent: IConnectionEvent) => {
if (!connectionEvent) return;
if (connectionEvent.event === ConnectionEvent.CONNECT) return;
if (connectionEvent.event === ConnectionEvent.DISCONNECT) {
this.isExpectedDisconnection = true;
return this.ble.disconnect(this.macAddress);
if (connectionEvent.event === ConnectionEvent.DROP) {
return this.connect(this.macAddress);
connection event
export enum ConnectionEvent {
CONNECT = 'connected',
DISCONNECT = 'disconnected',
DROP = 'dropped'
How can (or should) I have another observable merged with connection$ and only act if the disconnect was unexpected?
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