I have created an ionic app. In the followig code, I have created a popover which some contents from json. When button clicked in popover it opens a modal which contain a button with onclick function.
But the function does not get called. I have tried same with two modal but still not working?
let courseNumber = 0;
interface ContainerProps {
courseNum: number,
onHide: () => void,
const PopoverList: React.FC<ContainerProps> = ({ courseNum, onHide }) => {
const [showTopicModal, setShowTopicModal] = useState(false);
return (
<IonTitle size="large">{courseJson[courseNumber]['title']}</IonTitle>
{courseJson[courseNumber]["content"].map((item) => <IonItemDivider key={item.toString()}>
<IonButton slot='bottom' size='default' color="success" expand='block' onClick={() => setShowTopicModal(true)}>Learn</IonButton>
<IonModal isOpen={showTopicModal} id="topic_modal">
<IonButton slot='bottom' size='default' color="success" expand='block' onClick={() => console.log("hello")}>Learn</IonButton>
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