I’m working with Ionic 6 with Angular and Capacito3
As I scroll down the list, there are shots, where the elements suddenly slide upwards.
In my opinion, the problem occurs every few pixels that correspond to the value set in maxBuffer, in fact the lower the maxBuffer, the more it appears, but having a high maxBuffer means slowing down the application.
Do you know if there is a solution?
<cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport itemSize="{{itemSize}}"
minBufferPx="{{itemSize * 5}}"
maxBufferPx="{{itemSize * 10}}">
<!-- Here I have some components that need to scroll,
like a slider and buttons -->
<ion-card *cdkVirtualFor="let deal of deals"
style="padding-top: 0px; margin-top: 0px;">
<!-- Here I have content item -->
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