@rolinger wrote:
I have a toggle button that triggers a Facebook login for the user. It pretty much all works. Except that when the user cancels the login, I see the console message say "user cancelled login" and then reset the ion-toggle back to false/off - but it won't change states but I do see the console.log message "In DisableFB" so I know the function/function call are working. If I leave the page and come back, it then shows off.
<ion-toggle id="settings_FB" ng-model="fbItem.checked" ng-change="setFB()"> Facebook Enabled: </ion-toggle> $scope.disableFB = function () { $scope.fbItem = {checked : false } ; console.log("In DisableFB") ; } $scope.setFB = function() { if ($scope.fbItem.checked == true) { alert("After logging into FB, you may need to set FB permissions to allow the app to interact with your FB page.") ; var fbLoginSuccess = function (userData) { ...some code ... facebookConnectPlugin.getAccessToken(function(token) { ....some code.... }, function(err) { $scope.disableFB() ; console.log("FB: error retrieving token: " + err); }); } facebookConnectPlugin.getLoginStatus( function(response) { if (response.status == "connected") { ...some code... } else { facebookConnectPlugin.login(["public_profile"], fbLoginSuccess, function (error) { $scope.disableFB() ; // *** this is the line that fires when user cancels.*** console.log(error) ; } ); } },function(error) { $scope.disableFB() ; console.log(response) ; } ); } else { facebookConnectPlugin.logout( function(response) { console.log("FB Logged out") ; ...some code.... $scope.disableFB() ; }, function(error) { console.log("FB Logout Error: "+ error.message) ; ...some code... $scope.disableFB() ; } ) ; }
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