In my app so far all the calls work fine on iOS but this one is using an async function.
Is there a solution for this?
I have spent several hours trying various things from stackoverflow.
I have seen that installing the inAppBrowser may help which I have not tried yet.
I also saw that putting the in the click event may allow it but this would require the user to make another click which is not ideal.
<ion-button type="button" color="primary" expand="block" (click)="onCreateStripePortalSession()">
Manage my cards
async onCreateStripePortalSession() {
const returnUrl = `${this.tenant.slug}/account`;
try {
const session = await this.stripeService.createStripePortalSession(this.member.stripeCustomerId, returnUrl);
if (session.url) {
// Go to Stripe Customer Portal, '_blank');
} catch (err) {
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