@datafilik wrote:
Hello all,
I am trying to post data from a registration form to a mysql database using AngularJS together with PHP as the back-end scripting language. but when I click the button that triggers a submit() function I get a ionic.bundle.js:25000 POST 'php file url path' 404 (Not Found) error on chrome browser console.
Please I need help with resolving this as I am unable to access the php file that would have posted the collected data to a mysql database.
In the app.js file here is script for the post request:
app_ii = angular.module('regbdy', ['ionic']); app_ii.controller('regCtrl', function($scope, $http) { $scope.submit = function(){ var url = "php/reg_form.php"; var fdata = { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'}, cache: false, fname : $scope.fname, lname : $scope.lname, phone : $scope.phone, email: $scope.email, password : $scope.password, ver_password: $scope.ver_password }; var request = $http.post(url, fdata); request.success(function (data) { console.log(data); }); } });
I am building the app using ionic on Cloud 9 IDE.
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