I’m thinking of upgrading a ionic1 app, from around 2016-2017. Most likely it will be a rewrite.
Now one of the elements in this app was having a offline database, and I used sqllite with a relational model. The app would poll an api and the api send data to the app, where rows would be marked as active or delete, in order to keep the data in the app up to date. Total amount of data is about 1mb.
In hindsight, the data didn’t really have to be relational. This is just a lookup app and don’t need crud operations in the app.
I’m thinking this could be solved easier today.
I’m looking into firestore, to deal with sync of the data, allowing for offline data access.
One thing I’m not sure of though, is how would the data be updated in firestore? Or is firestore overkill?
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