Hey guys,
I’m working on an app that contains a set of routes:
One is the “home” page, a page with 2 buttons that navigate the user to /login or /register. The other is the “dashboard” (user) page, essentially the “protected” area for logged-in users.
As part of the non-protected routes, after the registration, there are 2 more steps to “customize” the user experience – (/customize and /suggested-programs).
The issue is simple - the routing suddenly started to behave super weirdly.
First-time user register, the journey work completely fine. But if the user logs out and tries to register again, the routes starting to mess up, usually the /register works, but then /customize doesn’t. Sometimes I see a blank page; sometimes, I see the register page.
I tried everything, I spent an entire day today, but I am really out of ideas.
Code snippets for context:
App. tsx
<IonApp dir="rtl">
<IonPage className="app-bg-black font-rubik">
<IonRouterOutlet animated={false}>
render={(props) =>
currentUser ? <UserRoute {...props} /> : <Redirect to="/" />
render={(props) =>
currentUser ? (
<UserSuggestedPrograms {...props} />
) : (
<Redirect to="/" />
render={(props) =>
currentUser ? (
<CustomizeUserExperience {...props} />
) : (
<Redirect to="/" />
<Route path="/register" component={Register} exact />
<Route path="/login" component={LoginRoute} exact />
<Route path="/" exact={true}>
{currentUser ? <Redirect to="/user" /> : <MainRoute />}
export const UserRoute: FC<RouteComponentProps> = ({ match }) => {
return (
<Route path="/user/:tab(program)" component={UserProgram} exact />
<Route path="/user/:tab(profile)" component={UserProfile} exact />
render={() => <Redirect to="/user/program" />}
<IonTabBar slot="bottom" color="primary">
<IonTabButton tab="profile" href="/user/profile">
<IonIcon icon={personOutline} />
<IonLabel>הפרופיל שלי</IonLabel>
<IonTabButton tab="program" href="/user/program">
<IonIcon icon={barbellOutline} />
<IonLabel>תוכנית אישית</IonLabel>
<IonTabButton tab="tab2" href="/user/statistics">
<IonIcon icon={pulseOutline} />
<IonLabel>מעקב משקלים</IonLabel>
Any help/ideas are much appreciated. Thanks!
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