I’m using tabs in my Ionic React app. I’m trying to minimize re-renders of one of my tabs because the renders are expensive, so I did this:
const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(true);
useIonViewWillEnter(() => {
useIonViewWillLeave(() => {
if (!isVisible) {
return null;
This dramatically reduces the re-renders (great!), but the problem is that it introduces a small flicker when switching to the tab. I assume the flicker is because I am returning null initially… what can I do to return something that will eliminate the flicker but not cause a component re-render?
I tried adding a skeleton page like this:
import React from 'react';
import {
} from '@ionic/react';
import { Trans } from '@lingui/macro';
const PageInvisible: React.VFC = () => (
<IonTitle><Trans id="page.title">Generic Title</Trans></IonTitle>
<IonContent />
export default PageInvisible;
And then modifying my tab like:
if (!isVisible) {
However, when I do this, when I click to go to the tab with <PageInvisible />
, Ionic re-renders the current tab, breaking my app. So it seems I have to return null
to get this to work, but null
results in flicker.
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