Hey guys,
So I have an app and I have set up some cards with data from a loop like so
if (factCheckerData instanceof Array) {
factCards = factCheckerData?.map((facts: any) => (
<IonCard key={facts.id}>
<div className="container"><IonCardSubtitle className="blackText">{facts.title}</IonCardSubtitle>{iconMaker(facts.status)}</div>
<IonCardSubtitle style={{margin: "3px"}}>#{facts.id}</IonCardSubtitle>
Now I want to be able to allow the use to click on a card and it passes the ID of that card to the page, and it will assemble the article by calling the information from my database, I know how to do the DB part Im just a bit lost as to how to pass the ID through to the other page
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