@rolinger wrote:
I am trying to pass a templateUrl parameter to the .state tab definitions similar to the following. I have multiple different pages to write and don't want a bunch of nested ng-ifs within a single template to parse out which "html" page to show. I can't figure out how to get the selected "menu.url" into the .state to get the URL for the template.
.state('tab.menu', { url: '/menu', views: { 'tab-menu': { templateUrl: 'templates/tab-menu.html', controller: 'MenuCtrl' } } }) .state('tab.menu-detail', { url: '/menus/:menuID', views: { 'tab-menu': { // i have added the following based on github docs; still doesn't work // I also passed "menu" and called ... + menu.url ; - doesn't work either. templateUrl: function($stateParams) { return 'templates/' + $stateParams.url ; } controller: 'MenuSubCtrl' } } }) $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/tab/main');
I have also tried: templateUrl: 'templates/'+menu.url, and a few others but I can't seem to find away to pass the specific url to the .state. The 'menus' is defined and passed back from the services.js factory:
.factory('Menus', function() { var menus = [ {name:"Account",url:"menu-account.html",menuID:0}, {name:"Contact",url:"menu-contact.html",menuID:1}, {name:"Help",url:"menu-help.html",menuID:2}, {name:"Privacy",url:"menu-privacy.html",menuID:3}, {name:"Rate App",url:"menu-rate.html",menuID:4}, {name:"Report Bugs",url:"menu-bugs.html",menuID:5}, {name:"Settings",url:"menu-settings.html",menuID:6} ] ; return { all: function() { return menus ; }, get: function(menu) { for (var i = 0; i < menus.length; i++) { if (menus[i].menuID === parseInt(menuID)) { return menus[i]; } } return null; }, } ; }) ;
And my two controllers are:
.controller('MenuCtrl', function($scope,Menus) { $scope.menus = Menus.all() ; }) .controller('MenuSubCtrl', function($scope,$stateParams,Menus) { $scope.menu = Menus.get($stateParams.menuID); })
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