I tried to change the color of the text of an IonButton(fill: clear) when it hovers but it didn’t respond.
What I did was adding this code to the variables.css file:
ion-button {
--color-hover: blue;
And I also tried adding CSS code in two ways
- 1st attempt:
--color-hover: blue !important;
- 2nd attempt:
color: blue !important;
But all didn’t work. However, when I changed its background color using the CSS code, it worked:
background-color: blue !important;
Here is the code of the button:
<IonRow class="ion-padding-end" slot="end">
<IonButton fill="clear" class="nav-button" href="/about">About</IonButton>
<IonButton fill="clear" class="nav-button" href="/posts">Posts</IonButton>
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
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