I would like move only point A in map, how to make?
I am using watchPosition and DirectionService
To example, I generically created some locations, to simulate a user moving
arrayLatLng = [
{ lat: -1.377174, lng: -48.434815 },
{ lat: -1.376952, lng: -48.434979 },
{ lat: -1.376740, lng: -48.435148 },
{ lat: -1.376506, lng: -48.435301 },
{ lat: -1.376271, lng: -48.435518 },
{ lat: -1.376280, lng: -48.435509 },
{ lat: 1.376197, lng: -48.435553 },
{ lat: -1.376054, lng: -48.435635 },
{ lat: -1.375997, lng: -48.435669 },
And I created a loop method
testeRealtime() {
for(let i = 0; i < this.arrayLatLng.length; i++) {
setTimeout(() => {
let origin = { lat: this.arrayLatLng[i].lat, lng: this.arrayLatLng[i].lng };
}, i * 7000);
And I have the routing method to create routes
origin: origin,
destination: { lat: -1.375997, lng: -48.435669 }, // Latitude e Longitude do imóvel ou corretor,
travelMode: google.maps.TravelMode['DRIVING'],
}, (res, status) => {
if(status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK){
} else {
would like to create a route a getCurrentPosition and, continue with watchPosition following the direction, but this way create any routes
So, I would like to know the correct way
getWatchPosition() {
let wat = this.google.maps.watchPsition....
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