@edu_andrade wrote:
Hi everybody, I need a help! I tried to change a defaultLocale in my controller.js and I'am using i18n with angular. The strutucture is:
angular.module('starter.controllers', ['ngLocalize', 'ngLocalize.Config'])
.value('localeConf', {
basePath: 'js/Locales',
defaultLocale: 'pt-BR',
sharedDictionary: 'common',
fileExtension: '.lang.json',
the directive:
.controller('ConfiguracaoCtrl', function ($scope,... , locale, localeConf) {...
and the function:
` $scope.selecionaIdioma = function(idioma){
localeConf.defaultLocale = idioma; //tried to set a language localStorage.setItem("appIdioma",idioma); }`
I have the file to translate the languages: js > locales > es-CL > common.lang.json and js > locales > pt-BR > common.lang.json
The "defaultLocale" changed but not the language. Please, any idea what I'm doing wrong?
A point.. in my app.js.. I have too:
angular.module('starter', ['ionic', .., 'ngLocalize', 'ngLocalize.Config']) .value('localeConf', { basePath: 'js/Locales', defaultLocale: 'pt-BR', sharedDictionary: 'common', fileExtension: '.lang.json',
The "select language" is in my controller.js.. So I need set "defaultLocale" in my app.js. Is this posible?
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